Conversion Copy

Elise H.

Ready to maximize your sales?
Let's talk copy

Custom project packages are individually crafted to help you meet your specific goals. If you aren't sure what you need, we can start with a 60-minute strategy session and copy audit. 


What's included?

• 60-min strategy session & copy audit 
• Opt-in page
• Sales email sequences
• Long-form sales page 
• Full website copy 
• Monthly newsletters (minimum 4)
• Trip wire page, and more!  

custom packages can include:

Copy à la carte

Get website copy as awesome and hard-working as you are. Serve your ideal client well by making how you help them clear, streamlined, and as easy as letting the next episode on Netflix autoplay.


What's included?

High-converting home page
Engaging about page
Personalized contact page
Opt-in page
Media Page, 404 Page
Ongoing access via Voxer throughout project
2 full weeks for revisions after final draft has been delivered

Elevate your brand

yes! let's talk!

Nurture your list or get a quick infusion of cash by inviting your email audience (aka: your biggest fans!) into your life-giving offer they are waiting for. 

what's included?

• Sales emails that make your offer irresistibly easy to buy  
• Fulfillment emails for your courses and programs so your customers are happy, feel well cared for, and are confident in their next steps
• Repurposing content emails 
• Weekly newsletters 
• and more! 

packages (4 email Minimum)


Maximize Sales

If marketing your offers has ever made you want to pull your hair out, I get it! But it doesn't have to be that way. I believe marketing and sales can be the most FUN part of your business when it's done right! Let's get you words that put the JOY back into sharing what you do! 




Before I write a single word of copy I do a deep dive into your business, your offer, and your ideal client. 

Having a proven process and expert strategies personalized to your business sets you up for success, every time! 

research-based & roi-focused


 I have a sharp distaste for persuasive words when they are used for wrong purposes. “Salesy” is not the only way to sell.

I believe clear communication is a gift to someone who is looking for the right solution to their problem. 

I write copy so your ideal client can make the best decision for their highest good. 

If it’s not a win-win, it’s not a win.  

I hate sleaze & love straight talk