Live and
Lead with Joy 

joy school

thrive in all God is calling
you to do, no matter what circumstances come your way. 


thrive in all God is calling you to do,
 no matter what circumstances come your way. 

join joy school

Your enemy would love
for you to quit. Don't. 

If you're like most Joy School students, you wear one (or several!) of these hats: 

In short, you're a leader.

And leaders like you experience a unique set of challenges
when it comes to living from a place of joy. 

And leaders like you experience a unique set of challenges when it comes to living from a place of joy. 

is for you if...

is for you if...

 You know God is calling you to deeper intimacy with Him, but life is full and you're stretched thin. You want to make abiding in Christ a top priority. 

You recognize that you have a tendency toward numbing instead of truly resting. 

You feel called to do something that is not your area of strength so you sometimes struggle with fear, self-doubt, and overwhelm. 

You are being asked to trust God with some big things. You have more questions than answers, and that's hard. 

You want to live and serve from a place of joy, and not be exhausted all the time.

and if he can't get you to quit?
he will try to steal, kill, and destroy your joy.

Why? Because:  

and if he can't get you to quit?
he will try to steal, kill, and destroy your joy.

Why? Because:  

The joy of the Lord
is your strength. 

You keep pouring out, and want to be intentional about getting filled back up. 

Who is joy school for? 

joy school will help you...

Coach --- Advocate --- Writer --- Speaker 
Director --- Manager --- Executive --- Ministry Leader --- mom

Coach -- Advocate -- Writer  Speaker  -- Director -- Manager  Executive -- Ministry Leader -- mom

deepen your intimacy
with god

what impacts your joy

be a good steward of
your calling

joy school

When does Joy school Start? 

Doors are open NOW
through October 1st, 2024! 

Doors are open NOW
through october 1st, 2024! 

Enroll Now! 

Who’s the teacher of Joy School? 

Sexual wounds as a child
Date rape as a teen
Depression and suicide attempts 
Choosing abortion at 18 years old
Betrayal from people I love 
Self-harm and substance abuse
Teen pregnancy
Single motherhood
6 more pregnancies and births
Postpartum preeclampsia
Fighting off cancer naturally
Long-term caretaking 
Loss of 10 loved ones in 9 months
one of my children abused 
Cycles of debilitating nerve pain 
Building multiple businesses
Failing in business
Succeeding in business
The pain of being misunderstood 
Leadership roles in ministries
helping others with complex needs including: unplanned pregnancies, trafficking survivors, refugees
Speaking in front of people
Publishing words
Daily life with other people
Daily life with myself

Sexual wounds as a child
Date rape as a teen
Depression and suicide attempts as a teen
Choosing abortion at 18 years old
Betrayal from people I love 
Living in a critical atmosphere of “not enough” 
Self-harm and substance abuse
Teen pregnancy & Single motherhood
Marriage & 6 more pregnancies and births
Postpartum preeclampsia
Fighting off cancer naturally
Long-term caretaking for 4 family members
Loss of 10 loved ones in 9 months
One of my kids abused by a friend of the family
Cycles of debilitating nerve pain 
Building multiple businesses
Failing in business
Succeeding in business
The pain of being misunderstood & rejection
Leadership roles in ministries
helping others with complex needs including:
 unplanned pregnancies, trafficking survivors,
 domestic violence survivors, refugees
Speaking in front of people & Publishing words
Daily life with other people
Daily life with myself

Joy that is not destroyed by circumstances
is joy that has been through some intense FIRE. 

Joy that is not destroyed by circumstances is joy that has been through some intense FIRE. 

All of this life-fire informs how I teach about the JOY
that is available to YOU, right now, through Jesus. 

Your circumstances never disqualify you from the fullness of joy. Never.

Elise Hurd
My Story

i want to learn with elise

Here's some of the life-FIRE God has healed, sustained, carried, comforted and refined me through: 

the beautiful truth is: 

You may find it interesting, as I do, that God called someone to open a school who never attended a single day of college. 

But higher education isn’t what trains us in unstoppable joy
- life experience with God is. 

So I’ll tell you more about me (Elise Hurd) in just a second,
but you've gotta know how this school is different: 

I’ve created the lessons in Joy School strategically to position God himself as your Teacher. 

In fact, you cannot complete a single class in Joy School without
interactive prayer with the Good Teacher, Jesus. 

I will coach you step-by-step through those interviews with God (aka: "Joy Assignments") but it is the Holy Spirit who will guide you into truth, not me. 

Now here’s a little about me, and what I know to be true: 

Joy 101

Joy Math

Joy Lab

Joy History Class


J-O-Y Writing Class

Joyful Home Economics

The Joy of Art

The Nurse's Office

starting in OCTOBER, you'll also get these delightful bonuses

Joy Library 

Class #1
Class #2
Class #3
Class #4
Class #5
Class #6
Class #7
Class #8
Bonus #1
Bonus #2

Learn how to subtract things from your life that are blocking your joy, how to multiply your joy, and use "formulas" to help in those complex situations life throws your way. We’ll use math-y terms that require ZERO actual math work from you, but will help you wrap your mind around how to experience deep joy in a way that works every time just as surely as 2+2=4.

Learn how to subtract things from your life that are blocking your joy, how to multiply your joy, and use "formulas" to help in those complex situations life throws your way. We’ll use math-y terms that require ZERO actual math work from you, but will help you wrap your mind around how to experience deep joy in a way that works every time just as surely as 2+2=4.

Look under a metaphorical microscope and take notes about 4 common types of Joy Parasites that could be flying under your radar and sucking away your joy. We are going to mix up some God-designed joy formulas so that you know exactly which ingredients will create that joyful volcano "it worked!!" moment. God is a God of order and does not want joy to be an inaccessible mystery to you, so I’m excited for some of the delightful discoveries you are gonna have in our “scientific”Joy Lab. 

Look under a metaphorical microscope and take notes about 4 common types of Joy Parasites that could be flying under your radar and sucking away your joy. We are going to mix up some God-designed joy formulas so that you know exactly which ingredients will create that joyful volcano "it worked!!" moment. God is a God of order and does not want joy to be an inaccessible mystery to you, so I’m excited for some of the delightful discoveries you are gonna have in our “scientific”Joy Lab. 

I love how some of the best moments of life are described as “mountain top” moments because from that higher place you have a much greater perspective of what is happening all around you. You can see the whole forest, not just the trees. This higher perspective brings with it fresh vision and new clarity. This is what you’re gonna get in Joy History Class as you create a joy-timeline and get a powerful overview of joy in your life. 

I love how some of the best moments of life are described as “mountain top” moments because from that higher place you have a much greater perspective of what is happening all around you. You can see the whole forest, not just the trees. This higher perspective brings with it fresh vision and a new clarity. This is what you’re gonna get in Joy History Class as you create a joy-timeline and get a powerful overview of joy in your life. 

During recess, you’ll learn some of the BEST “Playground Rules” and lessons around one of the most important parts of living with joy: How to play, take a break, and how to tag team and run your race with other people.

During recess, you’ll learn some of the BEST “Playground Rules” and lessons around one of the most important parts of living with joy: How to play, take a break, and how to tag team and run your race with other people.

There is some serious JOY-POWER in putting pen to paper! In writing class, you'll learn how the act of writing and your deep joy are BFFs. This is a class where passing notes is encouraged! And would it even be Joy School if we didn’t write down some gratitude?? 

There is some serious JOY-POWER in putting pen to paper! In writing class, you'll learn how the act of writing and your deep joy are BFFs. This is a class where passing notes is encouraged! And would it even be Joy School if we didn’t write down some gratitude?? 

In Joyful Home Economics, you'll learn how to get really practical about life-giving ways you can influence the atmosphere of your home and intentionally make it a place of joy. 

In Joyful Home Economics, you'll learn how to get really practical about life-giving ways you can influence the atmosphere of your home and intentionally make it a place of joy. 

Learn how to tap into the JOY you uniquely access during the process of creating things, engaging your imagination, and expressing yourself in the presence of God. 

Get help accessing joy when life deals you hard knocks.

A curated collection of resources to increase your joy.

Joy School includes 8 core classes 
you can complete At your own pace. 

Joy School includes 8 core classes you can complete At your own pace. 

In your first class, we will go straight for the heart of WHAT joy is, HOW you experience it in your life, and WHY it is absolutely essential that you prioritize and pursue joy like it is your job. 

In your first class, we will go straight for the heart of WHAT joy is, HOW you experience it in your life, and WHY it is absolutely essential that you prioritize and pursue joy like it is your job. 

your 100% risk-free
joyful student guarantee 

Joy School isn't like other programs where you have to complete the entire thing and implement what you learn for months before seeing results. From the very beginning, you can experience a noticeable increase in your joy. If anytime within your first 30 days of enrolling you don't feel that Joy School is a right-fit for you just send me an email and you'll get a full refund. No questions asked. Simple. Joyful. Guaranteed. 

Joy School isn't like other programs where you have to complete the entire thing and implement what you learn for months before seeing results. From the very beginning, you can experience a noticeable increase in your joy. If anytime within your first 30 days of enrolling you don't feel that Joy School is a right-fit for you just send me an email and you'll get a full refund. No questions asked. Simple. Joyful. Guaranteed. 

get started now

choose the joy school plan that works best for you

2 payments of 

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$149 usd 

$297 usd 

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It’s time to make JOY your default setting. 

It’s time to
make JOY your default setting. 

God is too good, too faithful,
for anything less.

You are too loved, your calling too important,
for anything else.

God is too good, too faithful,
for anything less.

You are too loved, your calling too important,
for anything else.

join joy school