Words that communicate the value you bring. Words that sell without any sleaze. I write done-for-you copy that helps you achieve your biggest goals and maximize your sales. 


I'm Elise
Elise H.

Joy-filled, research-based, ROI-focused copywriting that helps you steward
the business God has entrusted to you. 

From the moment I stepped foot onto the professional scene (as a model at 13 years old) I was trained how to understand what end result a client wanted and how to get it for them. 

Looking back I realize now that I was receiving real world education and experience in effective  marketing even then. 

Things were going great professionally, but personally they were falling apart. I became pregnant at 18, and chose an abortion. 

I became apathetic to everything. My self-destructive habits increased. And at 19 I found myself pregnant again. I scheduled another abortion... 

This is my story...

I love Jesus, I love people, I love writing and I love business building! Out of this deep love grew a gnawing frustration at the gap I see between many big-hearted entrepreneurs/organizations and financially successful businesses. 

Simply put, I want people who are trying to bring LIGHT and GOODNESS  into the world to have lots of money to steward! 

I know beautiful-hearted people with great value to give and services to provide, who for the life of them cannot figure out how to wrap action-driving words around their offers. 

In the preface of his best-selling book C.S. Lewis explains his motivation for writing Mere Christianity. “That part of the line where I thought I could serve best was also the part that seemed to be thinnest. And to it I naturally went.” 

I did the work. I took an intensive deep dive program, graduated with flying colors,
and got certified in the art and science of writing high-converting copy!

And you know what’s ridiculously fun? 

Making sales. Booking out your schedule with ideal clients you are excited to serve.
Having the revenue you need to make the impact you desire. 

Why I became a certified conversion copywriter:

So here I am. 


Want to share some of your story
and your business dreams with me? 

... but God.

Through a dramatic series of events He broke down my stubbornness, and convinced me to keep the baby. That baby girl is now a glorious 17 year old young woman who I am honored to call one of my dearest friends. (You can watch this part of my story in this 5-min video produced by  Focus on the Family®.)  

I never went to college. But I got my Master's education in unconditional love through 3 1/2 years of single motherhood. 

With a baby to provide for, I began working as a professional airbrush makeup artist and hair stylist.

For over a decade I worked as a part of marketing teams on production gigs, commercials, weddings, billboards, magazines, runway shows, big events like the World Series, and with corporations, small business owners, and national networks like Fox Sports. 

I also got married to the most handsome man on the planet and had 6 more awesome kids. (Yes! I have 7 children!)

During these years I spent thousands of dollars increasing my business building education with elite training programs.

And while I enjoyed many aspects of marketing (I served other business owners, entrepreneurs, and nonprofits by designing whole websites from scratch, I redesigned and up-leveled brands, I developed physical and digital products and courses) time and time again I would circle back to how much I loved writing. 

I wrote countless pieces of copy. 

I wrote talks for conferences and online summits...

I was published in The CSB (in)courage Devotional Bible (2018) and A Moment to Breathe (2019)...

my passion
a secret

Sweet roll candy croissant oat cake marshmallow tootsie roll topping pudding. Dragée candy canes lemon drops cake fruitcake pastry. Ice cream jujubes gummi bears candy canes gummies jelly beans tart gummies. Gummies chupa chups jujubes sweet roll toffee cotton candy icing.

I love cooking!

My sanctuary

Sweet roll candy croissant oat cake marshmallow tootsie roll topping pudding. Dragée candy canes lemon drops cake fruitcake pastry. Ice cream jujubes gummi bears candy canes gummies jelly beans tart gummies. Gummies chupa chups jujubes sweet roll toffee cotton candy icing.

They are Paco & Louis

go back

Sweet roll candy croissant oat cake marshmallow tootsie roll topping pudding. Dragée candy canes lemon drops cake fruitcake pastry. Ice cream jujubes gummi bears candy canes gummies jelly beans tart.

My favorite place...


  • product launch formula by jeff walker

  • Conversion Story Formula® by colin boyd

  • list to launch lab & the podcast lab by jenna kutcher


  • brand voice visionary by justin blackman 

  • clickworthy copywriting certification™ by sara anna powers

  • showit website creation (i am the designer and copywriter of this website)

additional training


Living Fearless
Dime Beauty 
Tiny Design 
books OR podcasts
Full Focus Planner
fav biz tool
Favorite Decor
number of kiddos
Dark Chocolate
favorite snack

Fun facts about me!

But I was frustrated. 

“You are the light of the world.
A city set on a hill cannot be hidden.

Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket,but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house."

- Matthew 5:14-15